Dave Berkus is one of the nation's most prolific angel investors with over 137 early stage technology investments. He is credited with technological innovations in computer software for the hotel and lodging industries.
Carey is an Internet and software entrepreneur and industry consultant, developing new opportunities to better serve partners, while exploring new business inroads in domestic and international growth. Previously he was an executive at WebVisible and also co-founded Truverse.
Dave has over two decades of startup and executive leadership experience, and has successfully navigated several asset sales and purchases. He has authored and received several patents, which have been acquired or licensed by some very large companies or organization to protect their business and technologies in e-Commerce, Mobile Banking and Fraud Mitigation.

Jack is the inventor of Uninstall and Automatic Software Updates, that run on every computer and every smartphone today. With multiple issued and pending patents, he is one of the leading mobile web payment and authentication experts in the US. A 30+ year software industry veteran, Jack is an industry expert on mobile applications, authentication, SaaS/Web software, and payments. Formerly at Verisign, Symantec and Xerox.
Harvey has 20 years of experience in IT long-range planning and roadmaps, staffing, governance, risk management, data center and cloud operations, software development, contract negotiation, disaster recovery, enterprise architecture, process improvement, analytics and dashboards, remote office support, security, and HIPAA/PCI/SOX compliance.
Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, Danya has grown up with technology and loves working with companies that develop revolutionizing products. Originally a software tester, she then became a UX designer for Septium. She has experience with graphics, digital content marketing, marketing strategy, and more.